Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Need for Control

"The need for control" as Latasha put it so perfectly in tonight's chat box.

I never thought about metadata schema creation or even librarianship in general as "the need for control" for but that is exactly what it is! These various metadata schemas that my colleagues are presenting on tonight all derived from the need for control. Controlled vocabulary, controlled data entry, controlled description, etc...

I will re-load the dishwasher "in the right way" after my husband has loaded it - "We always put the plates THIS way. Oh, and the forks always go HERE". Some call it controlling, I call it organized.

Funny thing is, I have always thought I was laid back. 


  1. control freaks, that we are ;-)

    Or better, just highly organized people who work together!

  2. I am definitely a control freak! :P
